As the luner new year is coming, I have been going shopping these days. Actually, I like eating snacks! When i was walking around the supermarket, i found out that there were so many Japanese food actually. Also, most of the introduction or names are written by Katakana (カトカナ) which is a kind of Japanese character.
Here is an example, the katakana ''クッキース'' means '' Cookies'' and is used to transcribe the foreign loanword ''cookies'' from English. Also, the katakana ''オリジナルタイプ'' is represented the brand name or the type of the product called ''ORIGINAL-TYPE''. It is also performed the function of loanwords.
The second one is a pack of chocolate. This package is really attractive! So, i brought this and i have taken a photo of it. Let's see which katakana have been used.
After that, I went to stationary shop as to buy some stationary for preparing my new semester. I found that some of the Japanese stationary is also written by katakana!
The katakana ''スチール'' may cover two functions, loan words and scientific meaning. It represented the English or scientific word ''STEEL''. Another one is '' ピタッ'', at the beginning, I couldn't found its meaning in the Japanese translation websites. Then, i asked my friend and she told me that it was the sound of magnet. So, I know that the katakana '' ピタッ'' is used for onomatopoeia!
This time, the katakana is used for transcribing the scientific meaning. The katakana ''アクリル'' means ''Acrylic'' in English and ''丙烯''in Chinese. Actually, i think it's so difficult for me to recite! q_q''